Taking a Walk on the Social Media Side...

Like the proverbial cobbler with no shoes of her own, I’ve led organizations’ marketing and communications away from staid old habits and into the new throughout my professional career … yet I’ve resisted doing the same for myself. Especially when it came to social media.

I did not fully appreciate how lucky I was when one job or project would happily lead to the next via word of mouth over coffee, cocktails or the always helpful in person informational interviews.  Back in the Before Times.

We cannot be out and about networking like we used to, so it’s high time I step up my game. Hence, the launch of a LinkedIn presence for my consulting practice, Donner Creative Communication Strategies, which I hope will become a regular stop in your digital day for the same kind of connections, discussions, problem-solving, and community we used to enjoy face to face.  

This cobbler’s lacing up a new pair of shoes for walk on the social media side. Whaddya say? Come take a stroll with me.